Divide et impera rome 2 rome guide

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There is a supply element that must be considered when executing your campaigns. There are now four turns per year, broken down by seasons, which have various effects on each region and also the units contained within them. Additionally, replenishment of losses is tied to these numbers as well. You have to have sufficient numbers of the required class to field the corresponding unit. Recruitment is now tied to region population, which is broken down by class. One of the biggest changes is to recruitment. The visuals of the units have been reworked as well. There are a great deal more unit types, many available by region. Before they were more interesting flavor. Everything seems to matter now.the politics, diplomacy, and whatnot. I had to start it over a few times as I re-learned the mechanics. Probably the hardest thing, for me, was realizing that I couldn't play it like vanilla Rome II.

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